{Client Spotlight} Danetha Doe, Financial Growth Consultant

March 8, 2016

My clients are rockstars. Entrepreneurial daredevils ready to invest time and energy into their businesses. 

They are on fire to grow a business that gives them the financial stability and lifestyle they long for. They are in it for the long haul, but are stuck on what to do right now. They understand there’s no such thing as overnight success seven steps to seven figures. They have all the pieces of a business, but it’s not working together and growing in the way they know it could. They are sick of formulas, group programs and cookie cutter approaches to business growth.

They are on their own, deeply personal, custom journey. This brings them to me.

Today we’re talking with Danetha Doe, Financial Growth Consultant.  She shares in her own words what it was like to work with me, and she mapped out her entire year and added income streams to her business.


Danetha Doe Headshot_ReallyWhat were you struggling with before you hired me? Specificity is good. 

I was trying to figure out how to launch my first bookkeeping 101 course. I was new to the “online” world and wasn’t quite sure how to best package and market it.

What were you hoping to get out of working with me?  

I was hoping to get a better idea of the online community vibe.

What did you like most about the process? 

Lots of things! I guess I enjoyed planning out my entire year the most. It was nice to take a look at different revenue streams and when they could/should be introduced.

 Ellen Ercolini Clients Results Entrepreneurs Make Money Coach

How did our work together impact your confidence/being more YOU in your business?

Immensely! You supported my individuality and helped me see how valuable I was, just as I am.

What were some high impact changes that you made in your business as a result of our working together?

I completely restructured my business model, now I work with a handful of private clients, including large companies and masterminds, and devote the rest of my time to teaching and helping new entrepreneurs.

danetha poolHow many more clients did you book?

I booked 4 clients during our work together.

How much more money did you earn after working together?

I earned an additional $1K from our work together.

If you have a group program, how did filling it up go?

Although the sales for my group program weren’t as high as I would have liked, I learned a lot from your wisdom and guidance on how to “be” an entrepreneur.

How did it go leveraging your offerings?

I will definitely offer my bookkeeping course again! I haven’t yet, and am excited to see it grow and help more entrepreneurs.
If you want to read more client success case studies, you can find the entire series here.

Put more you in your business

(regardless of your myers-brigg)

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